Created in 2008, the Pan-African Alliance for the Development of Women’s Entrepreneurship (ALPADEF) is an association under the French law of 1901 whose aim is to provide African women with sufficient entrepreneurial skills to be autonomous and thus contribute to the development of local economic activity. With nearly a quarter of African women now involved in an entrepreneurial project, and the highest rate of female entrepreneurship in the world, the role of women in the economies of these countries can no longer be ignored.
Association's Goals
In 2015, the United Nations set 17 new goals to be achieved by 2030 in order to turn the situation around and “save the world”. These goals are based on three main lines, ending poverty, fighting inequality and injustice and tackling climate change.
ALPADEF’s primary objective is to support women in becoming independent, both financially and in human terms. This independence, in order to be sustainable, requires education, employment and the consideration of environmental issues. By training women in social entrepreneurship, ALPADEF seeks to reduce inequalities and the economic fracture, in the countries concerned, by acting from within. Through our actions, we hope to participate in the achievement of the 10 objectives below.